The tuition for full-time graduate students entering in the 2014-15 academic year is $39,880. For students enrolling in Architecture, Shepherd School of Music, and Professional Master's programs, tuition for the 2014-15 academic year is $26,4200-32,000.
【原文】Annual fees are approximately $534 for 2014-15. In addition, all graduate students are required to have health insurance. All students are required to maintain continuous enrollment unless an official leave of absence has been granted.
After six semesters of full-time study in one degree program (excluding the summer semesters), continuing students are eligible for a reduced tuition rate. A semester of full-time study is defined as a fall or spring semester in which at least nine hours of credit are earned. The reduced rate, like standard rate, varies by department/program. For Architecture and Shepherd School students, reduced rate is $1,468 - 1,628 per year ($734-$814 per semester). For all other graduate students, the rate is $2,216 per year ($1,108 per semester). Students who are admitted with a relevant master's degree, i.e. a master's degree that counts toward a doctoral program at Rice, may become eligible for reduced tuition earlier than those entering a doctoral program without a relevant master's degree.
Additional information regarding tuition and fees can be found on the Cashier's website.
在某个学位课程(不包括夏季学期)完成6个学期的全日制学习后,继续学习的学生有资格进行学费减免。全日制学习的学期被定义为至少修了9个小时学分的秋季或春季学期。减免金额,例如标准金额是根据学院部门或课程不同而有不同。建筑学或Shepherd音乐学院的学生减免金额是每年$1,468 - 1,628(每学期$734-$814)。被承认有相关学位的学生,即硕士学位包括了莱斯大学博士课程的,可以比那些进入博士课程学习而没有相关硕士学位的学生提前免费。
【原文】Living and Housing Costs
As mentioned in Forbes Magazine, Houston has a reasonable cost of living for a major city. The Graduate Apartments, which opened in the summer of 1999, offers housing at moderate cost and is close to campus. Also available as housing options exclusively to Rice graduate students are the Morningside Square Apartments and the Rice Village Apartments. Visit the Graduate Student Association website for information regarding other housing options.